Nowadays, language learning has become a fundamental requirement for the personal, academic and professional development of individuals. And while it is true that learning a new language at any time of life is possible, there is no doubt that childhood is the most propitious stage for acquiring language skills naturally and effectively.

Language learning in childhood not only ensures greater ability to communicate with people of different cultures and nationalities, but also enhances children’s cognitive development. In addition, scientific studies have shown that learning a second language from an early age stimulates the brain and improves critical thinking skills, memory and problem solving.

So, at what age is it best to learn languages? We’ll tell you!

What is the best age to learn languages?

It is true that there is no “perfect” age to learn languages, as each person has his or her own learning pace. However, it has always been proven that early childhood is the best stage for acquiring new languages in a more natural and fluent way.

This is because, during the first years of life, children have a greater ability to imitate sounds and linguistic patterns. In addition, their brains are still developing, which allows them to absorb information more efficiently.

By learning a new language in childhood, children can acquire more authentic pronunciation and a deeper understanding of grammar and vocabulary. What’s more, several studies over the years have shown that the best age to learn a language is before the age of 10, as it is much easier for them to assimilate a second language.

Advantages of learning languages in childhood

Advantages of learning languages in childhood

Learning languages in childhood has numerous advantages that benefit children throughout their lives. Here are some of them:

Increased learning capacity

Children have an innate ability to acquire new knowledge and skills. This ability allows them to assimilate more quickly and naturally the grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation of different languages.

Children have an innate capacity to acquire new knowledge and skills.

Learning languages in childhood takes advantage of this ability and allows them to assimilate more quickly and naturally the grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation of different languages.

2. Development of cognitive skills

Learning a second language in childhood improves children’ s cognitive abilities, as they develop skills such as memory, logical reasoning, problem solving and creativity. In addition, bilingual children have been shown to perform better academically in areas such as math and science.

3. They learn in a more fun and different way

Children are not as self-conscious and embarrassed as adults, so learning languages is a fun experience for them. That’s why they jump into speaking and singing without restraint. They don’t mind making mistakes or not getting it right, and this is key to learning in a different and alternative way.

4. Expansion of job opportunities

The world of work is becoming increasingly globalized and mastering several languages is a valuable skill. Learning languages from a young age offers a competitive advantage in the future, as they will be able to communicate with people around the world and access a greater number of job opportunities.

5. Development of social skills

On the other hand, it also fosters the development of social skills. Children who are able to communicate in different languages have an easier time establishing new friendships, interacting with people from different cultures and adapting to different social environments.

6. Brain stimulation

Learning languages is proven to stimulate the brain and improve its functioning. Learning a new language activates brain areas related to language, memory and attention, which in turn enhances children’s overall cognitive development.

7. Encourages better academic performance

It is evident that learning languages has a positive impact on a child’s performance and development in other school subjects and important areas.

Therefore, educating and nurturing children’s minds makes them better students in general. It is a way to teach them discipline and new ways of studying that will be useful to them in the future.

Investing in language learning from an early age is a decision that benefits children in the long run!

How to motivate a child to learn English

How to motivate a child to learn English

Learning English is a very valuable skill in today’s world and the earlier a child starts learning English, the better his or her proficiency will be in the future.

Many children may show resistance or lack of interest when it comes to studying languages. Therefore, it is crucial to find different strategies to motivate them and make learning English fun and exciting.

We would like to take this opportunity to give you some motivation tips that you can apply at home on a daily basis:

  • Create an immersive environment in English, or the language they will be learning. Put up posters with vocabulary in your child’s room. Also play videos, movies, music, books and games in English, or even label household items with English flashcards.
  • Use fun activities such as the “Simon says” game , do painting or craft activities with instructions in English, or use educational mobile apps that combine play and learning.
  • Value their effort by setting goals and rewards. Each time your child reaches a language learning goal, reward them with something special. This will help keep him motivated.
  • Try to get him to communicate in English with other children.
  • Involve yourself in their learning, as they will feel supported and will enjoy learning more.

Motivating a child to learn English does not have to be a difficult task. Just be patient and maintain a positive approach during the learning process, encouraging and praising their efforts.

With a combination of fun and motivation, your child will be on the right track to effectively acquire English skills!