The start of a new school year always brings with it a number of challenges, both for children and their parents. Establishing clear and predictable routines can be a helpful tool for children to manage the transition back to school.

Daily routines are fundamental to children’s development. Establishing regular habits not only provides structure and security, but also promotes a sense of responsibility, independence and well-being. One of the most common challenges for families, however, is maintaining these routines in a consistent and organized manner. A dynamic and fun way to implement these routines is through an interactive calendar designed specifically for children.

Routine calendars for children can be useful both in the transition back to school and on vacation, they are a valuable tool for all times, since establishing routines allows them to maintain structure and contributes to the learning process.

What is a routine calendar for children?

A routine calendar for children is a visual tool that organizes your child’s daily activities in a clear and structured way. This calendar can include everything from morning chores, such as brushing their teeth and getting dressed, to evening activities, such as packing their backpack and reading a bedtime story. There are even calendars where they can choose the weather for the day, how they feel. The goal is to establish a constant flow in the day-to-day that offers security and predictability, which is crucial for the little ones.

Calendars are a great tool that allows children to understand the world around them, from the order, helps them to orient themselves, take dimension of time and as they grow up, understand the functioning of the days of the week and the months of the year.

“Daily routines are to children what walls are to a house, they give boundaries and dimension to life. No child feels comfortable in a situation where they don’t know what to expect. Routine gives a sense of security. Established routine gives a sense of order from which freedom is born.”

Rudolf Dreikurs, renowned Austrian psychiatrist and educator
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habitos y rutina para ninos - The power of routine calendars for children

Routines can be established from the first months of life. For infants, simple routines such as feeding and bedtime establish a predictable rhythm that helps them feel secure and calm. As they get older and enter the preschool stage (ages 3 to 5), routines can expand to include more structured activities, such as playtime, reading, and school readiness.

Starting at age 6, when children begin elementary school, daily routines become even more important. At this stage, a routine schedule may include homework, after-school activities and household responsibilities.

Children’s participation in creating and monitoring these calendars helps them develop organizational and time management skills, preparing them for greater responsibilities as they grow up.

Having a calendar at home will allow you to discuss what it is, what it is for, and give your child the opportunity to ask more questions about how it can be used. You will be able to tailor the experience and content to each of your children. For example, if a two-week notice is too far in advance for a countdown to a birthday party, you can choose to add that event to the calendar closer to the date.

Children can actively participate by crossing off days, taking turns with siblings, adding feelings, weather, new tasks. This collaborative approach not only aids in understanding, but also fosters a sense of shared responsibility and family involvement in children’s weekly planning.

Benefits of establishing daily routines for children

Daily routines offer multiple benefits for children’s development and well-being. Some of the main ones are:

Increase security and stability: Routines provide children with a sense of security by knowing what to expect in their day. Knowing what to expect throughout the day helps them feel more comfortable and secure. This predictability helps them better handle change and reduce anxiety.

Reduce anxiety: Uncertainty about what will happen next can cause anxiety and disruptive behaviors. Routines help mitigate this anxiety by providing a clear and consistent structure. When children know the order of daily activities, they are less likely to feel insecure or become frustrated, which in turn reduces the incidence of disruptive behaviors.

Foster independence: By following a schedule of routines, children learn to carry out their daily activities autonomously, which fosters their independence and self-confidence, children become more capable of managing their responsibilities and making decisions on their own.

beneficios calendarios de rutinas ninos autonomia - The power of routine calendars for children
calendario rutinas habitos para ninos - The power of routine calendars for children

Improve behavior: Established routines help minimize conflicts and tantrums, as children understand what is expected of them at all times.

Boost self-esteem: The ability to follow a routine and complete tasks independently strengthens children’s self-esteem. When they are able to accomplish activities on their own and meet daily expectations, they feel more competent and confident in their abilities, gaining self-confidence.

Healthy habits: Maintaining regular schedules for sleeping, eating and physical activity promotes healthy lifestyle habits. A consistent routine, especially at bedtime, helps regulate children’s biological clock, developing healthy sleep habits, facilitating a smoother transition to sleep and improving the quality of rest.

Advantages of the routine calendar for mothers and fathers

Not only children benefit from a routine calendar; parents also find in this tool a great ally. Here are some advantages:

Reduce stress: Having a well-established routine schedule reduces morning chaos and helps the day flow more smoothly. The predictability that routine calendars provide helps reduce stress for both parents and children. By having a clear, structured plan, they can anticipate and prepare for activities and transitions, which decreases anxiety related to time management and unexpected surprises.

Routine calendars allow parents to plan and organize daily activities more efficiently. Knowing exactly what to expect throughout the day helps parents coordinate household chores, after-school schedules and other family commitments, optimizing time and avoiding overload.

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Image: Chuckle

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Image: QuietBooksPatri

Improve time management A routine calendar provides a clear structure that helps manage time more effectively. Parents can avoid the last-minute rush by following a predefined schedule, making it easier to complete tasks and activities without feeling rushed. This organization allows parents to fulfill their responsibilities while maintaining a balance between work and family life.

Facilitate family coordination: Routine calendars act as a visual communication tool between parents and children. By having a common calendar, they can explain to children what will happen throughout the day and better coordinate expectations and responsibilities. This fosters greater understanding and cooperation on the part of the children, making daily interactions more fluid.

Promote cooperation and teamwork: Involving children in the creation and follow-up of the calendar encourages cooperation and shared responsibility in the household.

How to create a routine calendar for children

Select the calendar format: Choose the one that best suits your family, it can be daily, weekly or monthly calendars. You can also choose the design that best suits your needs and objectives, from calendars with days and emotions to detailed calendars with schedules and specific tasks. It will also depend on the age of your children, remember that it should always be visually attractive and understandable for them. Use colors, images and symbols to represent different activities and times.

2. Identify needs: If you want a more detailed schedule, Review the daily activities, responsibilities and schedules of each family member. Consider morning routines, school or extracurricular activities, meals, play time, and sleep times.

3. Create a list of activities and chores: Make a list of all daily and weekly activities, such as getting up, breakfast, school, after-school activities, playtime, dinners, and bedtime. Assign a schedule for each activity, taking into account transition times and the individual needs of each family member, or simply establish an order, all depending on the calendar you choose and the complexity you are looking for. If you are looking to set specific schedules, make sure the times allotted for each activity are realistic and allow room for flexibility.

4. Design or buy the ideal calendar: If you want to design it, divide the calendar into sections according to the time period (for example, hours of the day or days of the week). Use a clear and organized format. Fill in the calendar with what you have defined and identified above. Make sure the information is easily readable and understandable for everyone. Online you will find a lot of ideas, examples, downloadable templates and super creative, interactive and easy to use options.

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5. Involve children: Talk about the calendar, its purpose and how it will be used. Explain how it will help them know what to expect and how to manage their time. Let them participate in creating the calendar, choosing colors, stickers or pictures to represent different activities. This will help them feel part of the system and give them a sense of control over their day.

6. Start testing it and establish a ritual for reviewing the calendar: Start using the calendar a little at a time, so that everyone can adapt to it without pressure. Post the calendar in an accessible and visible place so your children can easily consult it! Set up a game where they fill in or cross out as the day goes by. Schedule a regular time, such as at the beginning of the week or before bedtime, to review the calendar together.

Review and update: Review the calendar regularly to ensure that it remains relevant and useful. Make changes to accommodate new activities, commitments or changes in routine.

Examples: DIY and printables of daily routines for children.

There are multiple online resources where you can find printable routine calendars designed with visual elements that appeal to children. You can customize these printables according to your family’s specific needs and activities. Here are some examples and ideas:

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Image: @frau.hilda

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Image: @walkinginthewild

MonsPetits also has lots and lots of options that you can download, print and even edit. In addition, on his Instagram account he shares valuable resources, board and ideas:

imprimible infantil habitos rutinas ninos homeschooling. educacion plantilla visual imprimible - The power of routine calendars for children

Image: MonPetits

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Image: MonPetits

Tips for daily routines for children

  • Be consistent: The key to making a routine work is consistency. Try to follow the schedule on a regular basis, even on weekends.
  • Stay flexible: While consistency is important, it is also essential to be flexible. Sometimes, things won’t go as planned, and that’s okay. Excessive rigidity can cause stress rather than relief.
  • Reinforce positively: Compliment your hijxs when they follow their routine correctly. Positive reinforcement and recognition will strengthen habit, motivation and adherence to the routine.
  • Adapt the calendar as needed: Over time, your family’s needs and schedules may change. Don’t hesitate to adjust the calendar as needed and consider talking with all family members about how the calendar is working and what improvements could be made.

Ares González and Cristina Llinares (2017): Enriching routines: weaving everyday life.