Wondering how to keep your kids entertained between summer holidays and the start of the new school year? Don’t worry, we have you covered! Below is a list of all of the providers offering summer camps in September. If you’re looking for August options, we have some ideas for you too!
- Club Natacio Barcelona (@clubnataciobarcelona_casals and @clubnataciobarcelona), ages 2.5-18 years, through Sept 10
- Tembo Family Club (@tembofamilyclub), ages 1-8 years, through Sept 10
- Zoo Barcelona (@zoobarcelona), ages 5-16 years, through Sept 10
- Bricoteca (@labricoteca), ages 6-9 years, through Sept 10
- Cookiteca Passeig de Gràcia (@cookiteca), ages 6-12 years, through Sept 10
- Cuinem al Ninot (@cuinemalninot), ages 6-10 years, through Sept 10
- Dance Emotion (@dancemotionbcn), ages 13-18 years, through Sept 10
- Escola Bressol Petits (@escolabressolpetits), ages 0-6 years, through Sept 10
- Escolàpies Llúria (@escolapieslluria), ages 3-12 years, through Sept 10
- First Page English School (@firstpageschool), ages 3-12 years, through Sept 10
- FunTalk (@funtalkbarcelona), ages 3-11 years, through Sept 10
- Just For You Kids (@jfykids), ages 4-10 years, through Sept 10
- KIDKAT papás (@kidkatpapas), ages 1-12 years, through Sept 9
- Kids&Us Sant Antoni – Poble Sec (@kidsandussantantonipoblesec), ages 3-10 years, through Sept 10
- Luthier Mùsica & Dansa (@luthierdansa), ages 4-12 years, through Sept 10
- Oxford House Language School (@oxford_house_barcelona), ages 9-17 years, through Sept 10
- Collage (@collagebarcelona), ages 4-14 years, through Sept 10
- EDAMI (@escuela_edami), ages 6-12 years, through Sept 10
- entreZebras (@entrezebras), ages 3-12 years, through Sept 10
- Escola Música Joan Llongueres (@emjoanllongueres), ages 6-12 years, through Sept 10
- KiddyMusics (@kiddymusics), ages 3-16 years, through Sept 10
- La Teatreria (@lateatreriabcn), ages 3-11 years, through Sept 10
- LLuïsos de Gràcia (@lluisosdegracia), ages 3-12 years, through Sept 10
- My Little Van Gogh (@mylittlevangogh.es), ages 5-9 years, through Sept 10
- Slam Dancing Studio Gracia (@slamdancingbarcelona), ages 4-14 years, through Sept 10
- Swing Maniacs Kids (@swing_maniacs_kids), ages 2-12 years, through Sept 10
- Tea or Coffee School of English (@teaorcoffeeschool), ages 3-11 years, through Sept 10
- CEM Guinardó (@cem_guinardo), ages 3-17 years, through Sept 10
- Club Esportiu Vall Parc (@vallparc), ages 4-17 years, through Sept 10
- Escola infantil Pas a Pas (@escola_pas_a_pas), ages 3-10 years, through Sept 10
- Centre Kepler (@CentreKepler), ages 5-14 years, through Sept 10
- Codelearn Les Corts (@codelearn.cat), ages 13-17 years, through Sept 10
- Kids&Kafe (@kidsandkafe), ages 8 months-6 years, through Sept 15
- Shakespeare & Friends (@shakespeareandfriends), ages 6-12 years, through Sept 10
- Tropezando con Suerte (@tcsuerte), ages 3-15 years, through Sept 10
- Del Blau al Groc (@delblaualgroc), ages 4-12 years, through Sept 10
- Esplai Pingüí (@esplaipingui), ages 3-16 years, through Sept 10
- Base Nàutica Barcelona (@basenauticabcn), ages 8-16 years, through Sept 10
- Chiqui La Vila (@chiquilavila.escolabressol), ages 3-6 years, through Sept 10
- Cirko Escuelita (@cirkoescuelita), ages 3-14, through Sept 10
- DanceLab School (@dancelabschool), ages 3-17 years, through Sept 10
- DinoCrocs Poblenou (@dinocrocsbcn), ages 3-11 years, through Sept 10
- Espacio Cipí (@cipicrianza), ages 2-8 years, through Sept 10
- Football Academy ATIR (@football_academy_atir), ages 6-14, through Sept 10
- Kids&Us Poblenou (@kidsandus.poblenou), ages 3-10 years, through Sept 10
- Kids&Us Sant Martí (@kidsandussantmarti), ages 3-10 years, through Sept 10
- La Llum de la Vila (@lallumdelavila), ages 3-7 years, through Sept 10
- School Attitude (@schoolattitudelanguages), ages 4-12 years, through Sept 10
- Tembo Family Club (@tembofamilyclub), ages 2-8 years, through Sept 10
- Vernita Studio&Shop (@vernita.studio), ages 6-16 years, through Sept 10
- Zig Zag Club (@zig.zag.club), ages 9-18 years, through Sept 10
- Club Esportiu Mediterrani (@cemediterrani), ages 3-17 years, through Sept 10
- La Colombina (@lacolombina.bcn), ages 3-12 years, through Sept 10
- Tata Inti (@tataintisccl), ages 3-12 years, through Sept 10
- Artistes Pedagogs (@artistespedagogs), ages 3-18 years, through Sept 10
- Atelier de Sant Gervasi (@ateliersantgervasi), ages 6-18 years, through Sept 10
- Casita Club (@casitaclubbcn), ages 3-7 years, through Sept 3
- Concertante (@concertante.barcelona), ages 3-13 years, through Sept 10
- Cookiteca Sarrià (@cookiteca), ages 6-12 years, through Sept 10
- Creix amb Traça (@creixambtra), ages 3-6 years, through Sept 10
- DinoCrocs Bonanova (@dinocrocsbcn), ages 3-11 years, through Sept 10
- Esther Bosch Danza (@estherboschescuela), ages 3-17 years, through Sept 10
- Just For You Kids (@jfykids), ages 4-10 years, through Sept 10
- Kids&Us Bonanova (@kidsandusbonanova), ages 3-10 years, through Sept 10
- Kinobs (@kinobs_), ages 2-16 years, through Sept 10
- Music&Fun (@musicandfunworld), ages 3-12 years, through Sept 10
- Penguins Bonanova (@penguinsbarcelona), ages 3-12 years, through Sept 9
- Petits Paupí Escola Bressol (@petitspaupi), ages 0-6 years, through Sept 10
- Sandance (@sandancestudio), ages 3-12 years, through Sept 10
- Techlab Kids (@techlabkids), ages 4-14 years, through Sept 10
- Traç – Centre d’expressió plàstica (@la_trac), ages 5-12 years, through Sept 10
- English for you (@englishforyouschoolofenglish), ages 3-12 years, through Sept 10
- Club Deportivo Talma L’Hospitalet (@talma_hospitalet), ages 4-14 years, through Sept 10
- Escola Catalana de Surf – Castelldefels (@escolacatalanadesurf), ages 4-18 years, through Sept 10
- Football Academy ATIR (@football_academy_atir), ages 6-14, through Sept 10
- Gymboree Play & Music Sant Feliu (@gymboreesantfeliu), ages 1.5-6 years, through Sept 10
- La Vie en Papier (@lavieenpapier), ages 4-12 years, through Sept 10
- Paranoia Studi (@paranoiastudi), ages 6-14 years, through Sept 10
- Ungravity (@ungravityfreestylecompany), ages 8-17 years, through Sept 10
- Uptist Espai Creatiu (@uptist.espaicreatiu), ages 4-12 years, through Sept 9
- La Genera Club Esportiu (@lageneraclub), ages 4-15 years, through Sept 10
- Owl Emocions (@owlemocions), ages 3-12 years, through Sept 10
- Augusta Padel By Marta Marrero (@augustapadelstq), ages 6-16 years, through Sept 10
- Color It! (@colorit_santcugat), ages 6-12 years, through Sept 10
- Hípica Can Camps (@hipicacancamps), ages 5-16 years, through Sept 10
- Padel Mirasol (@padelmirasol), ages 6-16 years, through Sept 10
- Tbkids (@tbkids), ages 6-18 years, through Sept 10
- The Playcook (@theplaycook), ages 6-16 years, through Sept 10
- Can Sala (@cansalamontornes), ages 3-12 years, through Sept 10
- FunTalk (@funtalkbarcelona), ages 3-17 years, through Sept 10
- Peon Negro (@peonnegrobcn), ages 5-17 years, through Sept 10
- Tbkids (@tbkids), ages 13-18 years, through Sept 10
To find these and many other exciting summer camps in and around Barcelona, visit mobile.toddl.co > Camps.