Summertime is a time of year that children look forward to, filled with sunny days and the promise of many adventures. Summer, sunshine, no school, just the enjoyment of almost 3 months of vacation. However, for many parents, this period may represent a challenge:how to keep the little ones entertained and happy without dying trying?

Summer activities for children are not only an opportunity for fun and entertainment, but also an excellent way to foster learning and personal growth.

From outdoor excursions to creative projects at home, this post offers you 15 varied options that guarantee a summer full of joy and discovery.

Benefits of summer activities for children

Summer activities for children offer a wide range of benefits that positively impact their physical, emotional and social development.

  • Outdoor time and physical play help improve their overall health, strengthen muscles and bones, and promote healthy lifestyle habits.
  • Group activities and social interactions during camps or workshops foster essential skills such as communication, teamwork and empathy.
  • Participating in outdoor games, creative workshops and educational field trips fosters children’ s physical, social and cognitive development. These experiences allow them to improve their motor skills, strengthen their problem-solving abilities and stimulate their natural curiosity about the world around them.
  • It gives children the opportunity to explore their personal interests, develop new skills and gain independence, all in a less structured and more relaxed environment than the school year.

Summer activities not only contribute to a memorable summer, but also lay the foundation for a well-rounded and balanced development.

15 summer activities for children

As we already know, summer is the perfect season for children to enjoy, stay active and continue learning in a fun way.

Therefore, in this section we are going to present you with a list of 15 summer activities divided into five categories: outdoor activities, creative activities and crafts, educational activities, home activities and summer camps.

All these activities will not only keep children entertained, but will also promote their overall development.

Outdoor activities

Excursions in nature.
Two children in the mountains

Nature excursions

Take your children to explore nature parks, forests or beaches. They can collect leaves, rocks or shells, watch birds and learn about local flora and fauna. These excursions foster a love of nature and scientific curiosity . You can also bring small boxes in which they can collect elements of nature and then investigate them.

Sports games

Organize soccer, basketball, tennis, or volleyball games, among others. Sports are not only a great way to stay in shape, but they also teach teamwork and discipline.


Creating a small garden at home or in the community allows children to learn about plants, their care and the importance of the environment. It is also an activity that promotes patience and responsibility. If you don’t have enough space, you can create a terrarium inside a jar, germinate seeds, and many other options that will allow them to see the process and growth of plants.

Creative activities and crafts

Outdoor painting

Another summer activity for children is painting. Provide brushes, watercolors and canvases for them to paint outdoors. They can draw inspiration from the natural environment and develop their creativity and artistic skills, even including tree leaves, flowers, and elements of nature in their paintings, or using them as brushes.

Construction of figures with recycled material

Collect recyclable materials such as cardboard, plastic bottles and paper for children to build their own figures or toys. On YouTube you will find a lot of videos as a source of inspiration, they can make cool animals, monsters, or let their imagination fly and see where it goes. These types of activities encourage creativity and environmental awareness.

Check out this article if you want more information about this activity:

Ceramic workshop

One of the most inspiring summer activities for children is the ceramics workshop. If you have access to one, it is an excellent activity for them to experiment with modeling and create their own artistic pieces. Ceramics requires patience, it is a long process of self-improvement, where not everything goes as planned, and, in the end, it generates an enormous satisfaction and sense of accomplishment.

Educational activities

Visits to museums and science centers

Take children to museums, planetariums or interactive science centers . These visits are a fun way to learn about history, art, science and technology.

Book Club

Organize a book club where children choose books to read and then discuss them together. This activity improves reading and comprehension skills, and also fosters a love of literature. They can also go to small bookstores, where they can explore new books, or to the municipal libraries in your neighborhood.

Science experiments at home

Perform simple science experiments, such as making a baking soda and vinegar volcano, or creating a rainbow in a jar, are activities that spark interest in science and exploration.

Activities at home

Family cooking.
Two children cooking at home.

Family cooking

Invites children to participate in the kitchen. They can learn to prepare simple recipes, which improves their cooking skills and teaches basic nutrition and food safety concepts. They can make everything from healthy popsicles, to oatmeal and banana cookies, or even meal prep.

Themed movie night

Organize home movie nights with specific themes, such as “space travel” or “wild animals”. They can watch movies, make popcorn and discuss the theme after the movie.

Board games and puzzles

Board games and puzzles have always been a sure-fire summer activity for children, as they are great for developing critical thinking skills, strategy and patience. Plus, they are a fun way to spend family time together.

Summer camps

Summer camps.

Robotics and programming camps

A summer camp for children focused on robotics and programming is an enriching and fun experience, where young participants can immerse themselves in the fascinating world of technology.

During the camp, children learn to design, build and program their own projects, developing essential skills such as critical thinking, problem solving and creativity.

In addition, they work in teams to overcome challenges and projects, which fosters collaboration and communication. This stimulating environment not only sparks their interest in science and technology, but also provides them with valuable tools for the future in a safe and dynamic environment.

Sports camps

These camps are ideal for children to improve their skills in specific sports , such as soccer, swimming or tennis. In addition, they learn the importance of regular exercise and healthy competition.

Art and music camps

In these camps, children can explore different art forms, such as painting, sculpture, theater and music. It is an excellent opportunity for them to discover and develop their artistic talents.

Dance Camp

A summer camp for children focused on dance is a wonderful opportunity for children to explore their creativity and expressiveness through movement. In addition to improving their technique and coordination, participants develop self-confidence and work as a team to perform various choreographies in order to present exciting performances to their parents.

Cooking Camp

A summer camp for children focused on cooking is a delicious and educational experience, where little chefs can explore their passion for gastronomy.

During the camp, children learn basic cooking techniques, from cutting and measuring ingredients to cooking and baking different dishes, under the guidance of professional chefs. They also discover the importance of nutrition and food safety, while developing essential skills such as organization, creativity and teamwork.

This culinary environment not only sparks their interest in food and cooking, but also provides them with an opportunity to experience the joy of creating and sharing delicious meals with new friends.

Tips for parents

Summer is an ideal opportunity for children to enjoy, learn and grow holistically. As parents, there are several strategies that can help maximize these benefits and ensure that your children’s time is well spent. Pay attention!

  • Plan ahead for the children’s weekly activities. This will keep them excited.
  • Be sure to include a variety of activities: physical, creative, educational, etc.
  • Listen to your children’s interests, to adapt activities to their interests and needs.
  • Protect them from the sun with sunscreen, hats and appropriate clothing when outdoors.
  • Provide enough water to prevent dehydration.
  • Incorporates educational elements in their daily activities.
  • Organize group activities with family and friends.
  • Participate in children’s activities.
  • Allow time for children to play freely.
  • Set clear limits for screen time.
  • Have daily conversations with your children about what they learned and enjoyed each day.

With proper planning and a balanced approach, summer can become a season of growth and learning for the whole family.

Where to find summer activities nearby?

Finding nearby summer activities for kids can be a simple task if you know where to look.

  • you can use our search platform for activities for children and youth, where you will find all kinds of activities for your children to enjoy to the fullest. By using the filters by activity and location, you will save a lot of time. You can also make queries and book, all from one place.
  • Public libraries to learn about reading programs and view bulletin boards.
  • Schools, academies and colleges to find summer camps and to consult school bulletins.
  • Local community centers to ask for brochures and announcements about sports classes, creative activities, and camps.
  • Sports clubs such as swimming, soccer, tennis and other sports, as they often have summer activities for children of all ages.
  • Cultural and artistic centers.
  • Local event applications and websites.
  • Social networks and local groups for parents.

By utilizing these resources and strategies, you can find a wide range of summer activities that will keep your children entertained, active and learning all season long.